About me

Currently a PhD student in UW Madison Plant Pathology Program with Dr. Richard Lankau studying plant rhizosphere microbiome in potato (Solanum Tuberosum) and examining how potato genotype influences microbiome composition and function.


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Originally from the San Fransico Bay Area, I majored in Cell Biology from UC Davis. My first formal research experience began with Dr. George Bruening, where I studied Cowpea Mosaic Virus (CPMV) under the direction of the project scientist. My goal was to assess and evaluate differing levels of resistance to CPMV. From this experience, I gained a solid foundation in molecular techniques and developed an interest in plant-microbe interactions.

I further solidified my interest while working with Dr. Alan Bennet’s research group examining beneficial plant microbe interactions. With this realization, I then spent the following year and a half as a research technician focused on determining the transcriptomic profiles of maize landraces, specifically targeting plant genes related to nitrogen fixation, microbial recruitment and nutrition acquisition. From this experience, I developed a interest in studying the plant microbiome and plant microbe symbiosis but also felt stifled due to my lack of knowledge in computer programming and statistics in continuing my research goals. And so, I made the concious decision to continue schooling to learn not only plant microbe symbiosis but also enhance my knowledge of applied statistics and computer programming.

Now, as part of the Lankau lab in fall of 2017. I am interested in studying plant rhizosphere microbiome in agricultural systems. We are interested in examining plant rhizosphere in terms of improving plant health, disease suppression, and effective management strategies to improve “soil health”. I am personally interested in using statistical analysis to be able to infer functionality of microbiome through a microbial ecology lense coupled with molecular web lab techniques.

When not busy working in lab I like to go backpacking, rock climb, read, netflix, and EAT/COOK